Köy Binasının 11 olması ile birlikte en büyük sürprizlerden birisi ve beni en çok heyecanlandıran ise yeni bir savunma binasının gelecek olması kitlesel bir savunma yapan Eagle Artillery (Taktik Avcı Uçağı Ağır Silahı) neredeyse tüm haritayı kaplayan bir menzili bulunmasının yanı sıra ölü bölge alanı ise pek azımsanacak kadar az değil. Yeni savunma binası hem havadan gelen hem de yerden yaklaşan düşman birliklerine zarar verebilmektedir.
Bu savunma binasının aktif olabilmesi için yani sizin köyünüzü korumaya alabilmesi için belli bir miktar askerin üzerine çıkılması gerekmektedir. Bu demek oluyor ki ileride bu bir strateji konusu olabilir.
Ölü alanın fazla olması + Belirli bir miktar askerden fazla olması durumunda çalışmaya başlaması = Yok etme ve koruma için Strateji
Orjinal makale ve video aşağıda bulabilirsiniz
• Last but definitely not the least, coming at Town Hall 11 we have the Eagle Artillery!
The Eagle Artillery has nearly unlimited range and targets tough enemies with exploding shells.
However, it won’t activate until a large amount of troops have been deployed.
The Eagle Artillery has nearly unlimited range and targets tough enemies with exploding shells.
However, it won’t activate until a large amount of troops have been deployed.
• Eagle Artillery defense has two levels
Here it is! The final look on the new massive defense! It’s huge!
As previously announced, the range will cover all village. The circle you see on the picture is not the range, it’s the dead zone!
The artillery will be activated only when a certain amount of troops are deployed.
Dead zone + minimum amount of troops = tons of strategies to destroy and protect it!
When a troop is targeted by the Eagle Artillery it will have a yellow hexagon around it.
As Eagle Artillery is very powerful and slow, this means you will have time to activate the Warden Eternal Tome that makes the troop imune to all defenses for a few seconds.
The damage will affect a very small area, but it will make splash damage. If you have troops very close, such as 2 or 3 golems, it will make a HUGE amount of damage.
The artillery targets both air and ground units.
A brand new animation was revealed! Different from what we saw on ClashCon, the defense is an artillery, not a laser bean.
This defense will be unlocked with the new Town Hall 11 and has 2 levels.
It has been confirmed that the new Town Hall will feature 4 X-Bows and 5 Wizard Towers as well.
We still don’t know the exact date yet, but this sneak peek was announced as “last but definitely not the least”, meaning the sneak peeks are over!
According to official comment by Supercell staff, the aim is to release it on Dec 10th.
Until then we should get some recaps and more attacks! The wait is almost over! o/
Video by Galadon with the official footage provided by Supercell:
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